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Make your themes come true: September 2023 Product Update

We’ve been hard at work this summer to make Doctave an even better home for your documentation. In this update, we’re happy to unveil some exciting features: Enhanced Theme Customization, API reference refresh, and new Analytics Integrations with Google Analytics and Hubspot.

A Palette of Possibilities: Customize your documentation theme

Doctave has always been customizable, but now, we’ve taken things to the next level. You can now customize the look and feel of Doctave documentation without CSS better than ever.

a screenshot of a doctave project with a custom theme

You can now customize each section of the page individually.

All you have to do, is specify the colors of your theme in your doctave.yaml, and Doctave will take care of the rest:

  main: "#FF630B"
  bg: "#fff"
  bg_secondary: "#fafafa"
  border: "#e7e5e4"
  text_base: "#57534e"
  text_strong: "#292524"
  text_soft: "#a8a29e"

  # Dark mode colors can be customized the the `_dark` suffix
  main_dark: "#FF630B"
  bg_dark: "#1c1917"
  bg_secondary_dark: "#292524"
  border_dark: "#44403c"
  text_base_dark: "#e7e5e4"
  text_strong_dark: "#f5f5f4"
  text_soft_dark: "#78716c"

These few lines give you a clean orange-tinged theme based on the logo’s colors.

a screenshot of a doctave project with a custom theme

We also expose these colors as CSS variables, if you want to use them in your custom CSS:

.widget {
  color: var(--doctave-theme-main);

.dark .widget {
  color: var(--doctave-theme-main-dark);

It’s now easier than ever to make your documentation site match the look and feel of your brand.

(TIP: If you are looking for inspiration for color schemes, we highly recommend checking out the Tailwind CSS color palettes, which are hand-curated. They are a great starting point for designing a balanced site.)

See our docs for customizing your theme for more details!

API reference refresh

We’ve completely redesigned how we generate documentation from OpenAPI specs in Doctave, and API references have never looked better!

There were a few key goals in this redesign:

  • Highlight the most important information and make the reference more glanceable
  • Use the documentation theme colors more effectively
  • Still support the full breadth of OpenAPI, from recursive schema components to content parameters

screenshot of an API reference on a Doctave-powered documentation site

We also now automatically generate JSON examples from your schemas, and custom code examples!

Want to see it in action? Check out our demo site!

New analytics integrations: Google Analytics & HubSpot

While Doctave already comes built with a privacy-friendly analytics system, sometimes you want to centralize your analytics into one place with the rest of your websites.

Today, we’re happy to announce first class HubSpot and Google Analytics integrations for Doctave. You can now send visitor analytics directly to your existing analytics solution.

a screenshot of a doctave project with a custom theme

To enable these integrations, visit your Team Integrations page to select your preferred integrations.

a screenshot of the Doctave dashboard's integrations page

Being an EU-based company, we take privacy and GDPR very seriously. This is why Doctave comes with a built-in cookie consent system when you enable 3rd party analytics integrations.

Doctave's cookie consent form on a documentation site

Your documentation site will be compliant with EU cookie-laws automatically. (It also matches the theme of your docs!)

Smaller tweaks and improvements

Along these bigger changes, we’ve also shipped a number of smaller improvements!

You can now include a call-to-action and other links in your header

a screenshot of a call to action and header links in a Doctave documentation site

The table of contents follows you as your scroll

Help your readers keep track of where they are on long pages.

Billing users

Want to give your accounting department access to your billing information in Doctave? Now, you can. Invite them as billing users, and they’ll only have access to your subscription details.

As a bonus, we don’t charge for billing accounts.

a screenshot of the Doctave invite form inviting a billing user

That’s all for now!

We’ll have another recap in a month’s time. In the meantime, you can reach out to us at founders@doctave.com if you have any questions.

Happy documenting!
- Doctave Team

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