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Free Migration Assistance

Migrating documentation from one platform to another can be a daunting project. Getting all your content extracted from one vendor and imported into a new system is not a straightforward thing to do.

Sign up to Doctave, and we’ll help you migrate your documentation

That’s right. If you sign up for a paid account before the end of October 2023, we will help you migrate your documentation from your existing system, at no extra cost.

Since Doctave’s founding, we have been involved in migrating multiple documentation projects to Doctave. We’re getting pretty good at it 😎

We’ll help you get started quickly with Doctave by migrating your current documentation and getting it up and running on our platform.

What do I need to do?

First, sign up to Doctave and upgrade your account.

Next, provide us a copy of your current documentation. If you’re already using docs-as-code, send us an archive of your content. If you’re using a cloud documentation vendor, use their export function and send us the bundle.

You can send your documentation to info@doctave.com and we’ll get the process started.

If you have any questions, just reach out!

Happy documenting!
- Doctave team

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